NoMo Tears

NoMo Tears. The inner feelings expressed in an arena that is open to correction & critique. Not with-holding anything. We all are growing each and every day(or at least we should be). I decided a few years back that I wanted to help those who lacked guidance, support, sharing,love,inspiration,motivation,caring,and discipline. This gives me an outlet to work on these areas of concern and develop additional qualities. EACH ONE SHOULD TEACH ONE.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Just Because

Never believe what a person says, believe what they do.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

When You Believe

To Believe. Webster says that to believe is to accept as true or real; to have confidence: with in, to have religious faith. When I was younger, these meanings did not carry the same weight. As I grew in age and faith, these definitions carried much more weight. As we go through situations, we either develop a strong belief system, or a high tolerance for pain and disappointment. Whenever I hear the phrase "If you can believe it, you can achieve it", I know that there is much work to be done to get the desired results for any situation. When you believe, you have faith that you will complete the task at hand. However, just to think it is not enough. You have to live it, want it, visualize it, and act on it in a positive manner. I came up with the idea for my foundation in the year 2000. I completed half of the paperwork, and guess what? I only received half of the benefits. Back then, I could not receive donations from individuals or corporations and deem them as tax right-offs. Once I completed ALL of the necessary paper work, I then received ALL of the benefits of a non-profit organization that has tax exempt status. To have the legal documents in your hand, and realize that the sky is the limit is AWESOME! It feels great to know that you followed through with your vision and made it become a reality. When you surround yourself with positive individuals who are constantly making things happen, personal upward mobility becomes second nature. With God, ALL things are possible.
Ralph Marston once said...
-It feels great to think about all the good things you plan to do. It feels even better, tremendously so, to actually get them done. Dream and plan, think and talk about all the great things you intend to do. Then follow through, and truly experience the best you can imagine.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Something To Ponder

Do we really pay attention to the way we treat others? Is it really important to us? Do we have an "I don't care" attitude that is actually masking a large amount of pain? We all could probably answer "yes" to at least one of these. The world is revolving at a fast pace, and it does not slow down to allow us to relive any portion of our lives. The movie "Groundhog Day", that starred Tom Hanks, was fun to watch. It was about a man that relived each day over and over again. How would we feel if we could actually relive a day over again? Would we make some changes, or would we do the same thing each day? Take the time to say an honest "thank you". Help someone because you really want to help them, not because you want to tell others what you did to make yourself look like a bigshot. Never go to sleep angry, and tell those close to you that you love them. Live each day to the fullest. No one knows the day or the hour that their time will expire.
Things To Watch
Watch your Thoughts, they become words
Watch your Words, they become actions
Watch your Actions, they become habits
Watch your Habits, they become character
Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny

Monday, March 20, 2006

What's been going on...

Well, it's been a cool minute since I kept yall abreast of what's been going on. Last week, Mianojo and myself went camping with her school. Here she is, just as happy as can be. Well, just because she is well behaved and has manners, don't think for a minute that all the kids in her class know how to behave. One day, the teacher got sick, and then I was in charge. Oh boy. The little monsters tried to give me a run for my money. I handled them like the small soldiers in training they are. Everything was going well until the teacher recovered from her 24 hour virus. The noise returned, the disrespect returned, and they just did what they wanted to do. How is this allowed to happen? When I was in school, I nor any of my classmates had behavior problems like the ones that exist today. The kids are either labeled ADD or ADHD. They are on medication at the age of 10, they talk to their parents any type of way, and they think that everybody owes them something. Mind you, Mianojo attends a private school. Guess what, that does not mean a damn thing these days. Private schools appear to take the kids that have been put out of public schools, have severe behavior problems, and are just about the allmighty dollar $$$. This is the very reason why I believe that my organization, Nomo Tears Developmental Foundation, will do just what I set out to do. The foundation is geared towards at risk teens, who lack the educational and social skills to compete on a level playing field. The goal is to increase their self-awareness, scope of learning, and to make them marketable in today's society. I love working with the kids. I just thank the Lord that I only have one because the time, attention, and finances they require would send an average individual to the NUT HOUSE.

Friday, March 10, 2006

No time for tears. Posted by Picasa

Learning Something New Every Day

Well, I made it to the end of a work-week, But, I really messed up on my Blog. When I first began, it was cool. It had pictures that matched the text and everything flowed. Somewhere along the line, I pressed the wrong buttons and chopped my pages up. I attempted to start over because I could not figure out how to copy and paste the previous material onto the most recent page. This was really confusing. After attempting to navigate over and over again, I just said "what the heck," I'll just pick up where I left off and re-create as I go along. So bear with me, God ain't finished with me yet. Supa Sister, where are you when I need you.

No matter how bad things get, we can always rest e...
7 Mar 2006 by Ms. Nomo
No matter how bad things get, we can always rest easy knowing that God is always in control. The road is rough, the going gets tough, and yet we continue to awaken each day to try again. "Until you make peace with who you are, ...

No Mo Tears -

In one of my lighter moments. The eyes are the wi...
7 Mar 2006 by Ms. Nomo
In one of my lighter moments. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Posted by Picasa.

No Mo Tears -

Here she is, Minnie Me. The love of my life. ...
7 Mar 2006 by Ms. Nomo
Here she is, Minnie Me. The love of my life. This is my reason for living. With all of the money I spend in private lessons with her skating coach, all the competitions she participates in, and all of the practices we attend on a weekly ...

No Mo Tears -