NoMo Tears

NoMo Tears. The inner feelings expressed in an arena that is open to correction & critique. Not with-holding anything. We all are growing each and every day(or at least we should be). I decided a few years back that I wanted to help those who lacked guidance, support, sharing,love,inspiration,motivation,caring,and discipline. This gives me an outlet to work on these areas of concern and develop additional qualities. EACH ONE SHOULD TEACH ONE.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Learning Something New Every Day

Well, I made it to the end of a work-week, But, I really messed up on my Blog. When I first began, it was cool. It had pictures that matched the text and everything flowed. Somewhere along the line, I pressed the wrong buttons and chopped my pages up. I attempted to start over because I could not figure out how to copy and paste the previous material onto the most recent page. This was really confusing. After attempting to navigate over and over again, I just said "what the heck," I'll just pick up where I left off and re-create as I go along. So bear with me, God ain't finished with me yet. Supa Sister, where are you when I need you.